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(OFF) CRONOS6661 (S) 23 окт 2020

Drug Darkness - The Trip on Halloween Night (2019)

Вокал: Sterile (Shelby)
Страна: USA
Стиль: Raw Black Metal / Ambient
Темы песен:
Drugs, Darkness, Evil, Witchery, Insanity
С 2017 по н в
Sterile - All instruments, Vocals

Drug Darkness - The Trip on Halloween Night (2019)

1. Mysteries of the Fainted One
2. I Inject with Pride
3. Never Stop the Junkie Madness!!!!
4. The Trip on Halloween Night
5. Fishing Out on Angeldust and Causing a Wreck
6. Tramadol Calmtripping Stimulation
7. This Strong Stuff (Heroin Makes Happy cover)
8. It's a Narcotik October 31st...

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Версия: Mobile | Lite | Touch | Доступно в Google Play