Happy English
(OFF) MashaNasha 3 мая 2019

Vollmann William - Europe Central

Vollmann William - Europe Central

Автор: Vollmann William

Europe Central

Историческая проза

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Год издания:

Audacious. Wildly ambitious. Prolific. All describe William T. Vollmann, author of the seven-volume nonfiction work and and “Seven Dreams” sequence of novels, which the hailed as “likely to become one of the masterpieces of the century.”In , Vollmann presents a mesmerizing series of intertwined paired stories that compare and contrast the moral decisions made by various figures — some famous, some infamous, some unknown — associated with the warring authoritarian cultures of Germany and the USSR in the twentieth century. He conjures up two generals, one Russian and one German, who collaborate with the enemy for different reasons and with ...

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